North Carolina Staff Take Over Greenville, SC at the National Health Outreach Conference

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Nearly 20 Cooperative Extension employees from North Carolina made the trip down to beautiful Greenville, SC for this year’s National Health Outreach Conference.

waterfall in Greenville, SC

North Carolina was well represented at this year’s conference. The department’s Nutrition Education & Behavior Specialist spoke on a Health Extension panel and the Steps to Health team shared their work on Collaborating with the Charitable Food System in North Carolina to Enhance and Sustain Healthy Food Access in Food Pantries during a poster session. Extension employees also presented on:

  • Using the Experiential Learning model, the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) teaches Life Skills to Children and youth to change behavior and prevent Childhood Obesity and Chronic Diseases.
  • Meeting the Community Where They Are: A Placed-based approach to FCS Programming. 

Basheerah Enahora presenting at NHOC.Thank you to all those involved with the planning of this successful conference. North Carolina was able to spread the word about the wonderful work being done here in our state and glean valuable information from institutions across the country to bring back to their local communities.

staff at NHOC conference